I am standing next to the youth, which puts its life under the risk for Georgia`s future-writes Budu Zivzivadze, a Georgian team football player about this topic.
According to him, attack on the peaceful protestors will never be justified.
“It`s very heartbreaking ,that as a sportsmen, specifically as a football player, I have to state my opinion for the second time about the current events and I don’t have to think about football and preparation for European Championship tournament ,to represent my country in the best way on a great football forum, but as an ordinary Georgian citizen I consider myself obliged to repeat-no to Russia and no to everything that drives Georgia to Russia.
Georgian road leads to Europe. I am standing next to the youth, which puts its life under the risk for Georgia`s future. Attack on the peaceful protestors will never be justified.
P.S I want Georgia to be as united and as happy as it was in the night of 26th of March. I am Georgia”,-quotes Budu Zivzivadze.